Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Metro Elves

I just found my "photographs" of the Elves that annually moved into
the local gallery/art supply shop...

MetropolitanArt, which, sadly, no long is.Elf tries to save time

(special photograph of actual Elf in the Dodgeville workshop, made by Linda Kelen)

Every once in a while, I'd get into doctoring up photographs...
mostly for me, and some very close friends...
but, now and then I do something special for someone.

I painted a sign for the gallery, which said, "Elves Shop Here"....
and to PROVE it....(because some "town people" were not believers)
I made these pictures.

No one said another word.

"Jeb is pleased to see Elves use white gloves...leaving no finger prints on paper."
Elves wear gloves

"These elves lost their shopping list...."
Some Elves are forgetful

"Elves love cookies."
Elves love cookies
"Mega, (studio dog)........................................Metro Elf rides Studio Dog

is a handy mode of transportation."

"Some Elves are too short."

"After a successful shopping spree...
Elves carry the last of their supplies out to the sleigh....(parked around the corner)."