Latest tools are from Kirsten Skiles, artist/blacksmith:
they were left over from a tool making workshop, which I will take when she does one again.
Kirsten's arting is simply wonderful...
I'll post links to a few pieces...railings, wall pieces....she's good...really good.
Friends told me about her months ago,
but, I ran into her/her arting on my own
with my pounding curiosities.
I met her the first time when I bought the tools....
and I met her husband, Bill Fiorini,
making a powerful duo....
(Bill also raises amazing finches)
I'm really happy to have made their their energy.
These are the tools I got from Rene & silversmith...
go see what he can do with these....
his site loads slow on my 26.6-28Kbps connection...but it's worth the wait.
his site loads slow on my 26.6-28Kbps connection...but it's worth the wait.