(I've gotten a lot of encouragement to repost this....so here are they are....Happy Holidays!
oh, these are photographs that I actually painted on...wish you could see the originals, which look way cooler in person than anything photoshop or digital manipulation could do.)
These are my "photographs" proving that Eleves moved into the local gallery/art supply shop, Metropolitan Art, which, sadly, no longer is.
Jeb tell this elf that he can't take her frame.
"that's what you Elves do...make things!
"Now put that back", she tell him
as she begins to get the idea that Elves might be difficult and hard to control.
(Perhaps that is why there is only one Christmas a year). 
(Special photographs of actual Elves in Santa's Dodgeville workshop, made by Linda Kelen.)
I painted a sign for the gallery-art supply store,
which said:
"Elves Shop Here."
Because some "town people" were not believers,
I made these pictures.
No one said another word.
"Jeb is pleased to see Elves use white gloves,
leaving no finger prints on paper. "
Elves lost their shopping list.

"Elves love cookies."
"Mega, (studio dog)........................................
is a handy mode of transportation."
"Some Elves are too short."
"After a successful shopping spree...
Elves carry the last of their supplies out to the sleigh....(parked around the corner)."