L. Kelen absolutearts.com Portfolio
I am one of many artists who have donated art to the Driftless Area Land Conservancy... http://www.driftlesslandtrust.org/ for a silent auction being held at
the House on the Rock Resort...(near American Players Theater)
in Spring Green, Wisconsin...
Sunday, March 9th from 3-6pm
$30 per person reservation
Feel free to contact me through this website...
you can post a comment and it will get to me...
or the contact information on the driftlesslandtrust.org website.
All donations go to the Driftless Area Land Conservancy...which I fully support.
3-3:30...socializing, tasty hors d'oeuvres & dessert tarts, complimentary wine/coffee
3:30...Doug Cieslak, Executive Director..opening remarks, challenges met
4:00...David Lowe, researcher...Prehistoric Rock ARt of Southwestern Wisconsin
4:45...Silent auction/socializing continues until the 5:05 bell ending auction.
5:15...Mark Mittelstadt, president...anticipations...closing remarks.
That's the line up....
Other artists are:
Karen Bassler, Kathy Cahill, Pamela Callahan, Karen Fitzsimons, Kathy Halverson, Sue Moore, Lauren Thuli, Ramona Palzkill, Jeb Prazak, Sue Quale, Geri Schrab.
This is the best I can do...
contact me if you've got questions.
I've got everything else scribbled out on paper here
since, I've managed to misplace the invitation with all the details....
or MeMe ate it.

"Wedding Procession led by the
Small Dog of Power. Once a
common sight...this and
other traditions of the
Driftless Area have been
forced by mondern mans
activity and expansion
into deeper seclusion." Kelen 2008
"Accustomed to formal attire
when performing in St. Elmo's
Circus of Indigenous Animals
which traveled about the
Driftless Area...the Small Dog
of Power continues to dress
appropriately for various
processions." Kelen 2008
L. Kelen absolutearts.com Portfolio